Scroll down for a few of Kathleen's  interviews. Google her name for additional shows.
See her television shows and films at  Kathleen Marden - IMDb

Click the following link for Kathleen's interview with Stan Mallow on The Paranormal Yakker. She discusses her book with Denise Stoner, The Alien Abduction Files. (Autographed copies available at Kathleen's Bookstore link and on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Behind the Paranormal with the late Paul Eno and his son Ben 

1000th Show Panel Discussion on life's important questions:

What happens when we die?

Are UFOs/UAPs alien visitors, time travelers, enlightened masters, tricksters or all or not of the above?

How does time work? 

Are we really living in a quantumhologram?

Who or what is God?

UFO Disclosure with Host Al Barros

Kathleen Marden speaks on Betty and Barney Hill

Kathleen Marden answers questions on Bard's Archive
The Jeff Mara Show with Host Jeff Mara
Kathleen Marden speaks of her miraculous healing

Dark Window with Host Jim Mann

Kathleen's personal journey from alien abduction to spiritual transformation

Everything Imaginable 

A Discussion on Extraterrestrials with Kathleen Marden, Rev Michael Carter and Preston Dennett
Interview with Lynn Erhorn at Cool Gray Studios: