1. Travel north on US 3 from the Indian Head Resort through Franconia Notch. Take Exit 35 toward Twin Mountain. Stop at the Mount Cleveland Scenic Picnic Area. (12.4 miles) This was the Hills’ first observational stop. Through binoculars Betty observed the unconventional craft it traveled across the face of the moon. She said it was odd shaped and flashing multicolored points of light. Barney watched as the craft flew west, and without appearing to turn, rapidly descended toward him.
2. Head south on US 3 3.5 miles to Franconia Notch. The light at the top of Cannon Mountain blinked out as the craft passed above it. Take Exit 34B (Cannon Mt. Tramway/Old Man Historic Site). (Visit the Hugh Gallen Bridge area. This is the section of Rt. 3 that the Hills used to enter Franconia Notch in 1961. You'll see their view of Cannon Mountain.) Walk the path to the Old Man Historic Site—about a 5 min. walk. (Handicap accessible from lower parking lot.) The craft stopped next to the Old Man’s profile measuring 48’. It was nearly twice as long as the Old Man. The craft appeared to be rotating as the lighted edge flashed in succession. It then bounced back and forth like a ball and paddle.
3. Head south on US 3 through Franconia Notch. Betty described the craft’s stair-step movement as it paced the Hills’ vehicle only hundreds of feet above. Take Exit 34A toward the Flume Gorge. Continue south to the Indian Head Resort. Stop to see the Betty and Barney Hill Historical marker erected by the State of NH.
4. Betty was curious to get a better look at the flying saucer that had paced their 1957 Chevy over the past 12.4 miles.
Barney was relieved to be in a populated area where he might find a police officer to whom he could report the UFO.
In an uncanny twist of fate, only 1.4 miles south of the resort the craft shifted ahead and rapidly descended.
5. Stop at the Notch Express Store and Irving Gas Station. In 1961, a farmer’s field and apple orchard stood to the left side of Rt. 3. I-93 had not been constructed this far north and no structure stood where the store is now located.
The UFO rapidly descended here forcing Barney to stop directly in the middle of the highway. The large, silent disk-shaped craft hovered less than 200 feet above the Hills. When Barney stepped out of the car, the craft glided to the field across the street from the store and descended lower. Following it into the field, through binoculars Barney observed figures that were “somehow not human” staring down at him from a double row of windows that lined the forward edge. Suddenly, all but one figure turned and moved to what appeared to be a panel. They raised their arms and something began to drop down from the bottom of the craft. When this occurred, Barney became terrified. He fled for the car screaming to Betty that they had to get out of there or they were going to be captured. As he entered the car he saw the craft moving in his direction. He put the car into gear and went speeding down the highway. (This was part of Barney's conscious memory and was not brought forth by hypnosis for the first time. It is documented in the early reports.