The 37th Ozark Mountain UFO Conference
Best Western Inn, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
April 11-13 ~
Keynote Speaker Kathleen Marden presents on Friday, April 11 from 4-6 PM.

The ET Presence: A Multidisciplinary Assessment

Pioneer investigator, social researcher, and scholar Kathleen Marden offers a PowerPoint presentation on her far-reaching understanding of UAP phenomena, including the physical and paraphysical investigation of ET contact events, the new academic scientists’ findings, the social research findings on the commonalities that experiencers of nonhuman intelligence share, contact and communication experiments, the spiritual and religious implications of contact with NHI, the DIA’s and Congressional Oversight Committee’s disclosure on UAPs, and the reasons for the long history of denial by the military-industrial-intelligence complex.


2025 Roswell UFO Festival
International UFO Museum and Research Center UFOlogist Invasion
114 North Main Street, Roswell, New Mexico
July 4-6 ~
Contact 575-625-9495 or INFO@ROSWELLUFOMUSEUM.COM 
Kathleen will present two one hour lectures in the museum's North Library. 
Speaker topics and schedule to be announced soon.