Abstract: MUFON Experiencer Research Team members Michael Austin Melton, PsyD., Robert Upson, D.CH., Craig Lang, M.S., Denise Stoner, A.A., ERT Director Kathleen Marden, B.A., and Don C. Donderi, Ph.D. a retired associate professor in the Department of Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec completed two phase, multi-year, comprehensive study on individuals who have reported experiencing various types of contact with nonhuman entities of purported extraterrestrial origin. Dr. Donderi administered the American Personality Inventory, a test developed by Ted Davis and the late Budd Hopkins in collaboration with Dr. Donderi, to identify abductees as a separate group who exhibit the symptoms of “UFO Abduction Syndrome” as a separate group from simulators and the general public. Their responses are compared and contrasted with the responses from “contactees” who had reported either positive interaction with benevolent non-physical entities or highly negative contact phenomena. The research team identified the differences between the groups in an attempt to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on experiencers of contact with nonhuman entities. We collected qualitative data on the messages that alleged nonhuman entities have imparted to experiencers regarding the implications for humanity’s future.    

The ERT's Experiencer Survey and A.P.I.: What Experiencers Tell Us About Their Experiences and The Implications For Humanity’s Future   

By Kathleen Marden, B.A., Don C. Donderi, Ph.D., Michael Austin Melton, Psy.D., Robert Upson, D.CH., Craig Lang, M.S.,
                           and Denise Stoner A.A.                                  
Copyright Kathleen Marden 2018 

       In 2018 MUFON’s Experiencer Research Team (ERT) completed a comprehensive multi-year study on UFO abduction and ET contact experiencers. It was a two-phase study designed to obtain general statistical data, and to compare two groups of experiencers. The proposal for the study was approved by MUFON’s Board of Directors in 2015, and the survey was posted to MUFON’s website on July 27 of that year. We used Survey Monkey, an online application that is readily available to participants and automatically calculates statistical data. The raw statistics provided a platform for the further analysis of the data. We set target number of 500 completed questionnaires. In total 516 were analyzed statistically.

     Survey takers were instructed to read and agree to cautionary statements and requirements for participation in an informed consent agreement. The clause advised participants that they might experience increased anxiety due to the nature of the questions. Potential survey takers were advised that the minimum requirement for participation was recall of the nonhuman entities they encountered, and the procedures performed in an alien environment. A link to the ERT’s 30 question “Experiencer Questionnaire” was offered for those that did not meet the minimum requirements but wished to speak with a member of the ERT, who offered nonjudgmental listening in a supportive manner.

     ERT members Craig Lang, MS (1956-2018), Michael Austin Melton, PhD (former member), Robert Upson, DCH, Denise Stoner, and I (Kathleen Marden) developed 118 questions for the “Experiencer Survey.” Our objective was to identify a variety of characteristics that experiencers share and to collect statistical data that would be of value to MUFON investigators, researchers, and experiencers alike. Our questions were straightforward and pertained to the abduction/contact experience, based upon our investigative findings, the historical findings of other investigators, the psychological research findings in a variety of academic studies, and the postulates offered by prominent skeptics. The survey questions pertained to demographics, family structure, generational contact, religious/spiritual beliefs, emotional impact, medical impact, psychic and paranormal phenomena, perceived treatment by NHI (nonhuman intelligence or intelligent) entities, description of NHI, the contact experience, MILABS, and messages from NHI.

    The greatest problem with a survey of this type is the inability to measure the psychological functioning of its participants and the veracity of the statistical data. Given the opportunity for hoaxers (fakers) and delusional people to participate in the study, we developed trick questions to identify and exclude this category of participant. The questions were carefully worded and presented to prevent false positive or false negative responses. All incomplete questionnaires and those identified as completed by fakers were eliminated.

     The study was advertised in the MUFON UFO Journal, on Kathleen’s Facebook page, at her website, and in some of her media interviews. MUFON’s ERT encouraged the experiencers they counseled to complete the survey if they met the criteria for participation. We intentionally did not elicit participation from contactees who practiced astral travel, conscious contact with non-physical entities, remote viewing, and shamanic drug induced contact.

     Dr. Don C. Donderi, a retired associate professor in the Department of Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, worked on Phase 2 of our study, the “American Personality Inventory” (API). One hundred and eighty eight of the survey participants agreed to take part in the next phase of our survey. The API is a standardized measure developed by Ted Davis, a clinical social worker, and Budd Hopkins (1931-2011), a distinguished Abstract Expressionist artist and UFO abduction researcher from New York City, as an indicator of UFO Abduction Syndrome. Davis and Hopkins used the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory as a model for the API. Dr. Donderi collaborated with them by enlisting the assistance of students at McGill University as control groups for the evaluation and standardization of the statistical portion of the test. 

     During the development of the API the researchers obtained responses to 608 true/false questions from 52 self-reported abductees and compared their responses to 75 non-abductee controls and 26 simulators who knew the common characteristics that pertain to experiencers of UFO abductions but had not had an experience themselves. Dr. Donderi completed a statistical analysis of the three group’s responses and a subset of 65 questions were identified for the standardized measure.

     We were surprised to find that Dr. Donderi’s API analysis in phase 2 of MUFON’s study did not yield the anticipated results. No one obtained a score close to the simulator or non-abductee targets. However, Phase 1 of the study identified and eliminated hoaxers, so this could explain the surprising results.  Many scored close to the abductee target, but others were distributed along a wide range in reference to the UFO Abduction Syndrome target. For this reason, Dr. Donderi and Kathleen compared the responses of the 20 highest scorers to the 20 lowest scorers in an effort to identify the variances between the two groups. The 20 participants who scored closest to the target were identified as the “abductee group” because they met the criteria for UFO abduction syndrome. The 20 lowest scorers (outliers but having some of the characteristics of UFO Abduction Syndrome), were labeled the “contactee group,” because the majority indicated that their contact was positive. However, five members of this group reported contact of a highly negative nature. Phase 2 survey analytics, where applicable, are interspersed throughout this paper.

     We discovered that the phase 2 “abductee group” shares a unique set of characteristics that are prevalent at a statistically higher rate that is seen in the phase 1 survey takers and the phase 2 “contactee group.” These include generational contact, increased psychic ability, increased paranormal activity, and the condition of being empathic (a psychic sense of the energy, emotions, or physical well-being of other people.) You will become aware of additional statistically significant qualities of this special group as you read this paper.

 Demographic Data

     The phase 1 Experiencer Survey participants were evenly divided between men and women. The phase 2 “abductee group” was evenly distributed, but the phase 2 “contactee group” had 14 males and 6 females. We received completed surveys from participants residing in 7-time zones around the globe. They are as follows: Eastern: 31%, Central: 21%, Pacific: 13%, and Mountain: 7%. The remaining 28% were widely distributed.

     Ten racial groups and many mixed-race groups were represented. They are as follows:  Northern European Caucasian: 81%, Southern European Caucasian: 22%, Native American: 18%, African: 4%, Asian: 3%, Australian: 2%, East Indian: 1%, Arabic: 1%, Eskimo: less than 1% and Aborigine: less than 1%.      

 What is your current Age?  (Survey Takers N: 513) 

Age groups represented in the phase 1 survey are as follows: under 20: 4%, 20-29: 14%, 30-39: 19%, 40-49: 21%, 50-59: 22%, 60-69: 17%, 70-79: 3%, over 80: less than 1%. Only 2 survey takers were 80+ years old.

     The phase 2 “abductee group” was evenly distributed by age group, but 50% of the phase 2 “contactee group” was 50-59 years old and 28% was 20-29 years old.

 What age were you when you had your first experience?  (Survey Takers N: 514)


< 5: 15%
5-9: 25%
10-14: 15%
15-19: 25%
20-24: 0
25-29: 5%
39-39: 5%
40+: 0%
Not sure: 10% 


< 5: 20%
5-9: 35%
10-14: 15%
15-19: 0
20-24: 10%
25-29: 5%
39-39: 0
40+: 15%
Not sure: 0

     The phase 1 survey group indicated that 26% were less than 5 when they had their first experience, 52% were less than 10, and 72% were less than 20. Only 21% were over the age of 20 when their first abduction/contact experience occurred. Surprisingly, 6% stated that they were more than 40 years old when their first experience took place. The remaining 7% were uncertain.    

     Among the phase 2 “abductee group,” 15% were less than 5, 40% were less than 10, and 80% were less than 20 at the time of their first abduction. This left only 10% over age 20. The remaining 10% were uncertain when their first abduction occurred.

     The phase 2 “contactee group” produced some interesting statistics. Of the contactees, 20% were less than 5 when their first experience occurred, 25% were less than 10, and 70% were less than age 20. This left an additional 30% who were over age 20, but surprisingly, 15% stated that they were 50-59 years old when they had their first contact experience. No contactee was uncertain of their age at the point of first contact.

     The statistical analysis of these groups indicates that the majority of experiencers believe they were less than ten years old at the time of their first abduction/contact experience. This is consistent with the widespread belief that contact is intergenerational and children are taken, with other family members, from a very young age. 

     Our work with experiencers has led us to believe that the majority have been taken or visited more than one time. A survey of the literature indicates that this is generally true. We were interested in obtaining statistical data on the number of times experiencers believed they had been taken or contacted.

How many times do you believe you’ve been taken? (Survey Takers N: 456)


1: 10%
2-4: 25%
5-9: 20%
10-19: 15%
20+: 10%
50+: 5%
100+: 0%
Not sure: 15


1: 45%
2-4: 0%
5-9: 15%
10-19: 5%
20+: 0%
50+: 15%
100+: 0%
Not sure:

     Among the phase 1 survey takers, 24% stated they had been taken only one time. 30% said it was 2-4 times, for a total of 54% who stated that they had been taken 4 times or less. 15% indicated they had been taken 5-9 times, 9% said 10-19 times, 11% 20-49 times, 5% 50-99 times, and 6% over 100 times.  

     The phase 2 “abductee group” reported a decreased percentage of multiple abductions, with 10% indicating they had been taken 1 time, 25% 2-4 times, 20% 5-9 times, and 15% 10-19 times. Among the higher abduction rates, 10% fell into in the 20+ range, and 5% in the 50+ range. 15% of the phase 2 “abductee group” were not certain of the number of times they had been abducted.

     Among the phase 2 “contactee group,” 45% indicated that they had been contacted only one time. No one stated that they had been contacted 2-4 times. 15% believed they had been contacted 5-9 times, and 5% stated 10-19 times. A surprising 15% believed they had been contacted more than 50 times and 10% were not certain.

     The small group of those who reported highly negative contacts reported numerous, frightening contact events. We hypothesized that this unique group might have spiritual attachments by negative interdimensional entities, are taken by highly exploitative non-human entities, or have mental health issues. Later in this study, we will examine the physical descriptions of the NHI entities and the emotional responses of the three groups of experiencers regarding their contact events.


Family Structure & Childhood Emotional Environment

      We created questions that would give us insight into the family structure the respondents grew up in. In 2013, several experiencers who had grown up in foster homes or been adopted contacted Kathleen to request this question on her next survey.  

     The MUFON Experiencer Survey devised a series of questions that might indicate the presence of psychosocial tension among experiencers during childhood. Family structure is not necessarily an indicator of distress, but there is an increased level of stress among children of divorced families and children who were abused or neglected.

What was your childhood family structure? (Survey Takers N: 516)


2 parents-80%
Single parent-20%


2 parents-70%
Single parent-20%
Other-10% (2 parents, then single) 

     We discovered that 72% of the phase 1 survey takers grew up in a two-parent home; 19% in a single parent home; 5% with relatives, 2% in a foster home, .19% in an orphanage, and 1% in the homes of unrelated friends. The remaining “other” group were reared in an environment different than those listed above. Two members of the phase 2 “contactee group” indicated disruption and loss during childhood, whereas this was not mentioned by the phase 2 “abductee group.” In a separate question, 6% of the phase 1 survey takers stated that they were adopted. It climbed to 10% among the phase 2 “contactee group” but dropped to zero among the phase 2 “abductee group.”

     In addition to family structure, we wanted to determine the emotional environment the experiencers grew up in and their level of stability and happiness in their adult lives. The next question pertains to the childhood abuse and trauma findings of the 1990 Omega Project, a psychological survey of persons reporting abductions and other UFO encounters, by Kenneth Ring, PhD and Christopher J. Rosing, PhD. Their academic study offered a comparative analysis of test scores derived from 265 abductees, Near-Death Experiencers (NDE), and 2 groups of control subjects, who voiced an interest in each topic, but denied having experienced UFO abduction or an NDE. Drs. Ring and Rosing discovered that the abductee and NDE groups reported a higher rate of childhood abuse and trauma than was reported by the control groups. Additionally, both experiential groups reported an increased level of serious illness during childhood. Dissociation, a defense mechanism that involves splitting off from the source of the threat and tuning into other realities, as a coping mechanism, was present in both experiencer groups. However, it was higher among UFO abductees.

     MUFON’s 2010 Omega Project tested the results of the Ring-Rosing study. Robert LeLieuvre, PhD, MUFON Abduction Research Director Lester Valez, and Michael Freeman, PhD, administered psychological instruments to 71 abductees and 51 individuals who reported an interest in abduction phenomena, but had not been abducted. Their results upheld the findings of the Ring-Rosing study.      

     In MUFON’s study, 63% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that they were happy and without unusual highs and lows during their childhood, but 37% were not. We asked a nearly identical question that pertained to their adult lives. 52% stated that they are usually happy and without unusual highs and lows; 48% were not. Of the participants who were unhappy and experienced instability in their lives, 24% indicated that their troubles are directly related to their abduction or ET contact experiences. This leaves 76% who believe their abduction or contact events are not responsible for instability and unhappiness in their childhood and adult lives. These findings appear to be consistent with the statistical data in both Omega studies. (See www.kathleen-marden.com/psychological-studies.php for an overview of the academic psychological studies on abductees.)

     Among the phase 2 survey takers, the “abductee group” reported a slightly elevated rate of childhood and adult unhappiness. However, the “contactee group” participants reported that they were relatively happy as children and continue to lead stable, happy adult lives. 

The Abduction/Contact Experience

     We developed a series of questions that related to the abduction/contact experience. Our goal was to differentiate those who retained conscious recall of observing a UFO and nonhuman entities versus those who has no conscious recall. 85% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that they had conscious recall of a UFO sighting. In comparison 90% of the phase 2 “abductee group” and 95% of the phase 2 “contactee group” indicated that they had observed a UFO.

     We then asked if the UFO was 500 feet or less from the witnesses, indicating a close encounter.

Do you recall having a close encounter with a UFO at less than 500 feet in the distance? (Check all that apply) (Survey Takers N:516)

     The phase 1 survey results indicate that the majority of experiencers (65%) reported conscious, continuous recall of observing a UFO at less than 500 feet in the distance. A much smaller percentage of experiencers have recalled this observation through dreams, flashbacks, or hypnosis. Only 22% stated that their memory of a close encounter was limited to their dreams, and 11% had no conscious recall of a close encounter but remembered this through flashbacks. Hypnosis alone, when there was no conscious recall of a UFO encounter or ET contact accounted for only 2% of all close encounter memories. Among the phase 2 “abductee group” 70% had conscious recall of a close encounter. This increased to 85% for the phase 2 “contactee group.” 

     We believe that these statistics are highly significant. A significant percentage of the experiencers in all three experiential groups indicated that they had observed a UFO and that it was less than 500 feet in the distance. In a separate question, we attempted to determine if they were inside, possibly sleeping, or outside when their sighting occurred. Again, the majority of experiencers in all three groups indicated that they were outside for at least one sighting. 20% of the “abductee group” had a sighting from inside their homes, whereas among the “contactee group” 40% stated that they were inside for at least one sighting. 

     We wondered if the survey takers who observed nonhuman entities retained conscious recall for this experience or if it was remembered through other means. Respondents were given the opportunity to indicate only one answer, as our goal was to clearly separate the survey takers who had conscious recall from those who recalled this experience through less reliable means. Again, we worded our questions to reduce the possibility of receiving false positive responses.

Do you have conscious, continuous recall of observing nonhuman or alien entities? (Not with hypnosis, dreams, or flashbacks)” (Survey Takers N: 512)


Lucid dreams-20%


Lucid dreams-15%

     Among the phase 1 survey takers 54% replied in the affirmative. 15% recalled the observation of nonhuman entities through dreams that seemed too real to have been dreams, 6% through flashbacks, and 2% through hypnosis only. A full 25% retained no memory of observing nonhuman entities. This statistic was the same for the “abductee group” and 30% for the “contactee group”. This indicates that 25% of the survey takers did not read the instructions or ignored the clearly stated minimum requirements for participation in the survey. This failure of the participants to read or follow instructions was apparent in both phases of the survey and presented a significant problem for the researchers as we attempted to collate responses among the three groups of survey takers. (When this failure to read the instructions problem became apparent during phase 2 of our study, the American Personality Inventory participants, we used large red font to emphasize our written instructions. However, this seems to have made little difference. It appears that today’s people rush ahead without reading the important instructions.)

     We were interested in obtaining quantitative data regarding intergenerational contact. Among the phase 1 survey takers 50% stated that family members had observed a UFO close up. In the phase 2 “abductee group” 60% had family members who had observed a UFO up close. This was true of the phase 2 “contactee group” as well and the statistic was 60%.

     This question could possibly have identified a lower percentage of intergenerational experiencers than has actually observed a UFO and/or experienced abduction/contact. We must consider a variable in this case that could have skewed our data. We know that some family members conceal their abduction/contact events from other members of their families. Although the current trend favors a greater degree of openness and honesty than ever before, some family members might be reluctant to speak of their experiences within the family group. Ridicule and family upheaval are primary deterrents to honesty and openness among family members. The old societal trend toward harsh ridicule of UFO abduction experiencers and doubts pertaining to their sanity and integrity, remains prevalent among some less informed groups in today’s society. Often, family pressure silences experiencers. Educational efforts by researchers, experiencer advocates, and experiencers has increased public awareness, but there remains an uphill battle toward the goal of disclosure and widespread acceptance. 

Have family members experienced abductions/contact experiences? (Survey Takers N:504)





     41% of the phase 1 survey takers had relatives that had experienced abduction/contact. It was 60% for phase 1 abductees, but only 30% for the “contactee group.” The most frequently cited family members by all three groups were their mothers and fathers, followed by their brothers and sisters. Grandparents and children were also mentioned, but in lower numbers. This indicates that phase 1 survey takers reported fewer cases of intergenerational contact among family members. However, the phase 2 abductees reported a statistically significant rate of close encounters and intergenerational abductions.    

     In 1991, researchers Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, PhD, Associate Professor of History at Temple University, cooperated on a Roper poll survey to obtain statistical data on the percentage of Americans that had been abducted by aliens. Five marker questions were built into the survey. The first question pertained to waking up paralyzed with the sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room. This question was criticized by social researchers because it was vague and could be an indicator of sleep paralysis. We wanted to separate sleep paralysis from the paralysis that occurs when experiencers are awake, observe a nonhuman presence in the room, and become paralyzed.

      We posed two questions pertaining to sleep paralysis in an attempt to separate possible sleep paralysis and sleep hallucinations from conscious recall of contact in a wakeful state. The first question we asked is as follows:

Have you awakened unable to move your body or cry out? (Survey Takers N: 510) 





     74% of the phase 1 survey takers answered in the affirmative. This increased to 90% for the phase 2 “abductee group” and dropped to 65% for the phase 2 “contactee group.” This indicates that they experienced the classic symptoms of sleep paralysis with or without a real alien presence in their home.

     We developed our next question to separate sleep paralysis experiencers from those who might possibly have endured a real abduction. We asked:    

Have you been awake and able to move your body, but observed a non-human/ET presence and became paralyzed? (Survey Taker N:507)





     When asked if they had been awake but then saw a nonhuman before they became unable to move or cry out, 36% of the phase 1 survey takers replied in the affirmative. The percentage of wakeful contact increased dramatically to 60% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and dropped to 25% in the phase 2 “contactee group.” The highly significant statistic for the “abductee group” could be an indication that their events are real and not sleep state generated.

     The feeling of flying through the air, although they didn’t know why or how, was the second marker of alien abduction on the Hopkins-Jacobs Roper poll. Skeptics stated that the sense of flying through the air might possibly be experienced as a sleep hallucination. However, we must consider the possibility that it might also be an indication of the act of being transported during an abduction experience. We developed a question to determine the prevalence of this marker among today’s experiencers.   

Do you have conscious memories of moving through the air under someone else's control and there is no commonplace explanation for this? (Survey Takers N: 510)





     Among the phase 1 survey takers 34% had conscious memory of flying through the air under someone else’s control. An additional 20% had dreamed of flying through the air under someone else’s control. A mere 3% had flashbacks and only 2% had recalled this experience with the memory enhancing aid of hypnosis. The statistic for conscious recall of flying through the air under someone else’s control in the phase 2 “abductee group” was 30%, with another 20% stating that they experienced it as a dream that seemed too real to have been a dream. Hypnosis recovered this memory in 5% of the “abductee group,” but no one recalled it as a flashback. Among the phase 2 “contactee group”, 35% indicated that they had conscious memories of moving through the air under someone else’s control. An additional 20% recalled dreams that seemed too real to have been dreams. No member of the “contactee group” indicated memories through flashbacks or hypnosis. Our statistics indicated that approximately one third of the participants in each group had conscious recall of moving through the air under someone else’s control and had no common explanation for how this occurred.

     Missing time was one of the five important markers for alien abduction mentioned on the 1991 Hopkins-Jacobs Roper poll. MUFON’s statistics on missing time indicated that 58% of the phase 1 survey takers were aware of at least one period of lost time that they believed was ET contact related. Missing time was noted by 65% of the phase 2 “abductee group.” However, only 45% of the phase 2 “contactee group” was aware of missing time associated with ET contact. The duration of the missing time experience was slightly elevated to 2 hours among abductees. But it was widely distributed among a broad range of choices from less than 1 hour to 24+ hours.

     We collected statistical data on the percentage of experiencers who retained conscious, continuous recall of being examined by nonhumans in an alien environment. When asked alone, this question could generate inaccurate data due to the fact that some experiencers have recalled this through dreams that seemed to real to be dreams, flashbacks, or in hypnosis. In order to obtain a clear picture of consciously recalled information, we presented the question with three alternative responses. You’ll find the statistics below: 

Do you have conscious, continuous memories of being examined by nonhumans in an alien environment? (Survey Takers N: 503)





     As you can see on the chart above, 22% of the phase 1 survey takers retained conscious, continuous memories of being examined by nonhumans in an alien environment. This statistic increased to 35% among the phase 2 “abductee group.” It was 30% among the phase 2 “contactee group.”

     Among the phase 1 survey takers, 15% recalled being examined in an alien environment through dreams that seemed too real to have been dreams, 5% through flashbacks; and 3% through hypnosis. 15% of the phase 2 “abductee group” recalled this through dreams that seemed too real to have been dreams, and 10% recalled this through hypnosis. 10% of the phase 2 “contactee group” recalled being examined by nonhuman entities through dreams that seemed too real to have been dreams, and no one recalled this through flashbacks or hypnosis.

     Our findings indicated that again, an increased percentage of those with nearly all the characteristics of UFO Abduction Syndrome retained conscious recall of their experience. This was apart from those who reported memories of contact through dreams that seemed like real events, hypnosis, or flashbacks. This contradicts the suggestion by skeptics that all experiences of this kind can be attributed to sleep related phenomena, including sleep paralysis and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations.    

It is widely known that some experiencers have reported being returned after an abduction dressed in someone else’s clothing. We obtained statistical data on the prevalence of missing clothing among experiencers. We asked the following question:

Have you awakened to find yourself dressed in someone else's clothing without a commonplace explanation? (Survey Takers N: 509)

     In this case, 21% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that this had happened to them. These mistakes are not very widespread among experiencers, but they do occur occasionally. This was reported by 15% of the phase 2 “abductees” and 20% of the phase 2 “contactees.” Skeptics will speculate that the experiencers had dressed themselves incorrectly. However, some experiencers report they were wide awake when their missing time event occurred.  

NHI Description and Demeanor

     There has been a great deal of speculation and controversy in the UFO field pertaining to the demeanor of NHI entities. Budd Hopkins warned that alien abductors are creating a hybrid race that is not for the benefit of mankind. David Jacobs contends that the Earth is undergoing colonization by hubrids (NHIs with a human appearance). He suspects that aliens intend to live here undetected and to eventually supplant humans.

     Kathleen’s and the ERT’s extensive research has led to a different opinion. Many experiencers have been informed that humans are undergoing genetic upgrades. The NHI entities have voiced great concern over our failure to be good stewards to our environment and our development of nuclear weapons. Experiencers, far and wide, have been warned of the possibility of nuclear devastation. It is widely believed among researchers that attempts are being undertaken to raise our level of spirituality and empathy. We fear that it might be too little, too late.

     Researchers, such Leo Sprinkle, PhD and Barbara Lamb, MFT, believe that our visitors have come to educate us and move us to a higher level of functioning. The late past life regressionist and author, Dolores Cannon, believed that ETs are here to assist mankind in remembering their spiritual mission as part of the ascension process. She contended that experiencers volunteered to incarnate on our planet before they were born to save planet Earth from destruction. Experiencers informed her the nonhuman entities work for God. We are not here to argue in favor of one hypothesis or another, only to increase awareness of the diverse attitudes among various researchers.

     Our research and investigation has brought an awareness of the interdimensional nature of contact and the theoretical constructs behind it. This involves quantum physics and consciousness studies. We suspect that a nonhuman presence on our planet is far more complex than we had previously thought. Some of the nonhuman entities, reported to be in contact with humans, exhibit the modus operandi of scientists and educators. However, there appears to be other NHI entity groups, both benevolent and malevolent that may not be extraterrestrials, as we have interpreted them. We have received an increased level of reports of entities who terrorize the humans appear to have attached to them much as demons are believed to attach to some humans. The experiencers who have endured these experiences perceive their contacts as evil and sadistic. Another group perceives its contact events as highly benevolent. We sought to obtain hard statistical data on the nature of contact and the prevalence of a variety of nonhuman entity behaviors. The ERT’s research has discovered that many experiencers have reported being abducted/contacted by more than one nonhuman entity, so more than one response was permitted. We asked the following question:  

What was the body type of the entities you encountered? Check all that apply.

(Survey Takers N:467)

Greys under 4' tall:  36%

Greys ’5”-5’5” Grey:  44%

Greys Above 5’5” Grey: 30%

Mantis Insectoid:  16%

Other Insectoid:  5%

Lizard Reptilian:  13%

Draconian Reptilian:  7%

Tiny Human Type:  7%

Average Human Type:  26%

Giant Human Type:  7%

Hybrids:  20%

Tall Whites:  17%

Tall Goldens:  7%

Tall Blues:  5%

Short Blues:  6%

Sasquatch:  4%

What was the Demeanor of the Entities you Encountered?


Survey Takers: 48%
Abductee Group: 65%
Contactee Group: 30%


Survey Takers: 37%
Abductee Group: 20%
Contactee Group: 50%


Survey Takers: 36%
Abductee Group: 30%
Contactee Group: 40%


Survey Takers: 34%
Abductee Group: 30%
Contactee Group: 50%

Varied by type

Survey Takers: 30%
Abductee Group: 50%
Contactee Group: 20%


Survey Takers: 18%
Abductee Group: 25%
Contactee Group: 15%


Survey Takers: 14%
Abductee Group: 35%
Contactee Group: 15%


Survey Takers: 12%
Abductee Group: 10%
Contactee Group: 5%


Survey Takers: 10%
Abductee Group:  10%
Contactee Group: 5%


Survey Takers: 9%
Abductee Group: 5%
Contactee Group: 5%


Survey Takers: 5%
Abductee Group: 5%
Contactee Group: 0%

    The demeanor of the NHI entities varied by entity type. A relatively small percentage of the participants indicated that their encounters were evil, hostile, or sadistic. An appraisal of the statements made by highly negative contact experiencers led us to speculate that some individuals might be under the control of highly negative entities.

     One member of the phase 2 “contactee group” indicated that he was taken by negative, Reptilians. Two had memories of training regularly for intragalactic warfare. Another clearly believed he was having MILAB abductions by deceitful, staged black-ops military members dressed in US Air Force uniforms, reptilians, and eight other entity types. He indicated that he had been harassed by Men in Black and threatened by government agents. He also had a high level of paranormal activity in his home. Our study could not determine if this man’s memories are rooted in a serious mental health issue or were, in fact, real. His responses placed him a category of experiencers who were furthest away from the phase 2 UFO “abductee group” those with all or most of the characteristics of UFO Abduction Syndrome.  

     Our research and investigations have made us aware of the possible presence of lower vibrational, highly negative, entities who feast on human fear and loathing. They do not appear to be extraterrestrials. We speculate that they might be interdimensional in nature or are manifestations in the minds of the mentally ill. The five men in the “contactee group” who reported experiencing highly negative contact and mind control stated they were compelled to participate in harmful behavior toward others. Gargoyles and Reptilians were mentioned. In mythology, gargoyles symbolize demons. Regarding Reptilians, some experiencers stated that their behavior falls along a spectrum from benevolent to malevolent. However, those who shapeshift from humanoid reptiles of human types tend to carry out a negative, controlling, agenda. Additional investigation and psychological screenings could determine the validity of these claims.

     The bulk of the phase 2 “contactee group” reported an elevated level of kind, friendly contact. Most felt honored and pleased by the highly spiritual, benevolent nature of their contacts. Likewise, a small but significant percentage of the phase 2 “abductee group” had engaged in contact of a positive nature. However, the majority felt that their contacts were business-like and varied by entity type. A full 35% believed that the nonhuman entities engaged in aggressive behavior toward them. 

     Let us compare the entity types that interacted with each of the three experiencer groups. We first asked for descriptive details such as height, color, clothing or lack of clothing, clothing color, etc. We then listed 17 known categories of entities, leaving room for “unknown” and “other” responses. Many experiencers have reported interactions with more than one entity type, so we allowed for as many responses as the participants needed. We scored statistics only for those who recalled an entity type. A full 11% (N: 41) of the phase 1 survey takers were not able to determine entity type. This accounted for 25% of the phase 2 “abductee group” and 20% of the phase 2 “contactee group.” This indicates that they did not meet the minimum criteria for participation in the survey but did so anyway. Additionally, 24% (N: 84) added more detailed information concerning the descriptive features of the NHI entities. The unknowns were excluded from the statistical analysis. The responses from the phase 2 survey respondents are hardly worth calculating, but we have done so as a simple indicator of the responses for those who might be interested. All statistics have been rounded off.

Many experiencers stated that nonhumans sense their emotional state or even experience their emotions. We decided to design a question to elicit quantitative data on the empathic abilities of nonhumans. We asked the following question: 

Did you sense that the ETs could "feel" your emotions? (N: 484)

     Among the phase 1 survey takers 81% stated that the ETs could “feel” their emotions. This increased to 95% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 80% in the phase 2 “contactee group.” As you can see, the vast majority of experiencers believe that the ETs they encountered are empathic (sensing other’s emotions).

     Barbara Lamb, a well-known psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and contact specialist introduced experiencers who believe they are hybrids, to the audience at the 2016 IUFOC conference in Fountain Hills Arizona. Prior to this announcement, there had been a lot of discussion about the prevalence of so-called hybrids on our planet. We currently do not have scientific evidence to confirm that this claim is true. But all the self-identified hybrids that Lamb introduced work in some capacity as healers. They are highly intuitive, highly empathic individuals. We asked the following question to obtain statistical data on this belief.

Do you believe that you are a human/ET hybrid? (Survey Takers N: 489)

     Among the phase 1 survey takers, 25% believe they are human/ET hybrids. This increased to 35% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 15% in the phase 2 “contactee group.” On another survey we should attempt to identify the source of their belief. Were they informed of this by NHI? Did they intuit this? Are they delusional? Has their DNA has been upgraded or activated by NHI entities, but are they otherwise entirely human?

Government, Military Family, and MILABs Links

     When survey takers were asked if they were raised in a military family, 19% replied in the affirmative. This question attempted to establish a link between MILAB abductions and the military. No positive correlation was found.

     MILAB abductions were tested under a separate category. Among survey takers, 13% indicated that they had participated in MILAB abductions. This declined to 10% for the “abductee” and “contactee” groups. All groups failed to clearly identify the uniform of the human military groups. 

Have you observed what you believe is ETs and the military working together?

(Survey Takers N: 499)

     The selections pertain to the US military groups but could be generalized to foreign countries. In response to this question, 87% of the phase 1 survey takers state that they had not observed what they thought were ETs and the military working together. 13% (N:65) believed they had. Of these 65 survey takers, 27 were not able to identify the uniform worn; 22 stated they were not wearing uniforms; 9 believed they could identify the uniform as air force; 5 as navy; 3 as army; and 0 as marines. Among the phase 2 survey takers, 10% of the “abductee group” and 10% of the “contactee group” stated they had observed the military and ETs working together. The abductees stated that the humans they observed were not wearing uniforms and the contactees stated that they wore air force uniforms.

     When asked to name the race of nonhuman entities they observed working with the military, the three groups of survey takers replied as follows: 

  • Survey Takers—Greys 4%, Reptilians 1%, Insectoids 1%
  • “abductee group”—Greys 0%, Reptilians 5%, Insectoids 5%
  • “contactee group”—Greys 0%, Reptilians 5%, Insectoids: 0% 

A series of additional questions were asked that pertained to military involvement in abductions and government harassment. The statistics are as follows: 

  • 9% of survey takers stated they had been harassed by Men in Black.
  • 29% had observed unmarked black helicopters hovering low above their homes.
  • 11% stated that a suspected government agent had harassed or intimidated them.
  • 33% stated that their computer or phone had been hacked, but only 7% had reported their abduction/contact events.
Medical Data & Anomalous Foreign Objects

     It is generally believed by experiencers that there is a significantly higher level of Rhesus negative blood types among experiencers. It is the recessive phenotype, whereas O positive is the dominant blood type. The most common blood type is O positive. Type O negative is called the universal donor type because it is compatible with all other blood types. The Rh-negative factor is common among Western Europeans, and infrequent in West Africa and West Asia. It is absent in East Asians and the Aborigines of Australia. Among the US population, 15-16% are stated to have the Rh-negative factor. It is 16% among the English and 25% in the Basque population. It is somewhat elevated to 16 to 25% in NW Ireland and in the Highlands of Scotland. This rate increases to 40% of the population residing in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. (1)

     Blood type varies by race as well. Approximately 45% of Caucasians are type O. It is 51% among African Americans and 57% in the Hispanic population. (2) We collected demographic data on our participants that indicate 81% are Northern Europeans or the descendants of Northern Europeans. This statistic gives us confidence that our blood type statistics are probably not widely skewed. We asked as follows:

What is your blood type? (Survey Takers N:508)

Blood Type

O+ 20.08%
O- 10.63%
A+ 15.55%
A- 4.72%
B+ 5.12%
B- 2.95%
AB+ 2.36%
AB- 1.38%
Unknown 37.20%

     We discovered that of the 508 phase 1 survey takers who answered the question, 189 did not know their blood type. Of the 319 who knew their blood type, 100 (31%) reported that they had the Rh-negative blood antigen. This supports the hypothesis that an elevated percentage of experiencers have Rh negative blood. It is 33% for phase 2 “abductees” and 22% for phase 2 “contactees.”

     Many experiencers state that they have awakened with strange marks on their bodies that they couldn’t possibly have caused. This was another of the Hopkins-Jacobs Roper poll’s markers for alien abduction. MUFON’s Experiencer Research team maintains a catalog of these highly unusual marks. They range from simple scoop marks, to burned or cored out triangles, to patterned bruises, grid-type bruises, and etchings. We asked the following question:

Have you noticed strange marks on your body for which you have no commonplace explanation?

(Survey Takers N: 505)

     Among all phase 1 survey takers 65% have noticed strange marks on their bodies for which they can think of no commonplace explanation. It remained at 65% for the phase 1 “abductee group” but declined to 50% for the “contactee group.”   

     The most commonly reported marks are finger-shaped bruises, puncture wounds, and cored out circular marks, referred to as “scoop marks” by Budd Hopkins. We permitted more than one response to this question. The statistical breakdown regarding all survey takers is as follows: 

  • Puncture wounds: 71%
  • Finger shaped bruises: 68%
  • Cored out circular marks: 60%
  • Sunburn without known exposure to the sun: 37%
  • New wounds that have the appearance of incisions: 34%
  • Burned triangular shaped marks: 23%
  • Cored out triangular shaped marks: 19% 

      We asked a variety of questions pertaining to health issues that have been documented in abduction cases. Sinus problems and migraine headaches, immediately following an abduction/contact experience, were the most mentioned health issues faced by survey takers. Nosebleeds and eye irritation were also common. As reported in the Marden-Stoner study, there is an elevated level of chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome among experiencers. The statistic was 38% in the Marden-Stoner Study and 44% in MUFON’s Experiencer Study, whereas it is less than 1% in the general population. Overall, 268 of 516 (53%) survey takers indicated that they had experienced health problems they believed were related to their abduction/contact events. The reported health problems are as follows in descending order: 

  • Sinus problems: 53%    
  • Migraine headache: 49%
  • Salt craving 49%
  • Nosebleed: 45%
  • Eye irritation: 44%
  • Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: 44%
  • Severe mental confusion: 31%
  • Back injury: 26%
  • Gynecological disorder: 26%
  • Hair loss: 24%
  • Fibromyalgia: 18%
  • Disappearing pregnancy: 15%
  • Movement disorder: 11%
  • Temporary amnesia for one’s own identity: 8%
  • Blood clotting disorder: 5% 

     Some experiencers have spoken of feeling the sensation of tingling electrical sensations in their bodies during an abduction/contact experience. We desired statistical data on its prevalence, so we asked the survey takers if they had experienced this sensation. We discovered that 36% of the phase 1 survey takers had felt this sensation. 35% of the phase 2 “abductee group” reported it and 15% of the phase 2 “contactee group” had felt this sensation in relation to a contact experience.

     With regard to sleep problems, 68% of 516 survey takers stated that they have difficulty falling asleep at night and 74% had difficulty remaining asleep. Among the sleep deprived groups 42% stated that their sleep problems are caused by their fear of abduction.

     We wanted to examine the Marden-Stoner Commonalities Study (2012) results with regard to our finding that 56% of abductees (N:50) were more sensitive to the light following an abduction. It was a small study with 50 abductees and 25 persons who stated they had never experienced a UFO abduction. This time, 42% of 479 respondents indicated light sensitivity following an event.

     The Marden-Stoner Commonalities Study found that 62% of the “abductee group” craves salt, whereas only 12% of the non-abductee group does. Salt cravings might possibly be widespread. There is a generally elevated level of salt in prepared food. Salty snack food is usually high in salt content, unless otherwise noted. Dehydration is the most common cause of salt cravings.  

     Although rare, Addison’s disease is caused when the adrenal gland does not produce enough of the hormone cortisol. One might speculate that if the adrenal glands are continually tapped by ongoing stress due to alien abduction, it could lead to adrenal distress that is characterized by symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, and salt cravings. We wanted to test this earlier finding to determine whether or not it could be upheld across a wider population of survey takers. This finding failed to be upheld by the current survey. Only 33% (N:393) indicated a salt craving. It was 30% among the “abductee group” and 20% in the “contactee group.”

     Dr. Roger Leir (1935-2014) and “alien hunter” Derrel Sims brought alien implants to the public’s attention. We desired additional information regarding this phenomenon.

We asked:

Have you ever felt or otherwise noted a foreign object in your body that has no ordinary medical explanation? (Survey Takers N:488)

     41% of the survey takers answered in the affirmative. This increased to 50% among the phase 2 abductees and declined to 25% among the phase 2 contactees.

     When asked for the location of the object, the majority of respondents mentioned their extremities or their head. They were fairly evenly distributed (+/- 1%) between the left and right side of the body. Only 19 of the 516 survey takers stated that their suspected implant had been tested. Of these 58% stated that it responded to a magnet or magnetic field detector; 47% to an electromagnetic field detector; 37% to a radio/microwave frequency detector; and 16% to a Geiger counter. 

Sex, Hybrids and NHI Interest in Human Development 

     Much media attention has been given to reports of sexual activity on craft. Some experiencers claim that they have been forced to engage in sexual intercourse with Reptilians and Nordic type nonhumans. Others contend that they were compelled to engage in sex with strangers while being observed by NHI entities. We obtained statistics on the prevalence of forced sexual activity by nonhuman entities. Our results are as follows: 

           (Survey Takers N:463)

  • Forced to engage in sexual relations while being observed: phase 1 survey takers: 8%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 10%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 10%.
  • Have undergone sperm extraction: phase 1 survey takers: 6%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 10%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 10%.
  • Needle inserted into naval: phase 1 survey takers: 5%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 5%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 0%. 

         (Survey Takers N:393)

  • Pregnant without sexual activity: phase 1 survey takers: 3%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 5%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 0%.
  • Developed venereal disease without sexual activity: phase 1 survey takers: 2%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 0%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 0%. 

     The idea that the purpose of abduction is related to producing human/ET hybrids is widespread and promoted in the popular media. The late Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs have devoted much time to the study of the alleged hybridization process. We wanted to quantify the percentage of experiencers that believe they have been taken for reproductive purposes. Our statistics are as follows: 

            (Survey Takers N:463)

  • Observed developing fetuses: phase 1 survey takers: 5%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 5%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 0%.
  • Given a hybrid baby to hold: phase 1 survey takers: 7%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 20%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 0%.
  • Met your older hybrid child: phase 1 survey takers: 8%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 20%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 5%. 

     Based upon the information relayed to Kathleen and other researchers, by a large number of experiencers, she had speculated that the human genome is being upgraded by NHI to produce a new type of human. Theoretically, this new human would exhibit more desirable characteristics than humans currently have, such as higher intelligence and empathy for humankind, regardless of nationality ethnic group, religion, or financial prosperity.

     For many years, the well-known Australian researcher, Mary Rodwell, has specialized in what many call star children, star seeds, indigo children, etc. Her book The New Human is a scholarly examination of the evidence she has collected. It seems logical that these upgraded humans would be born to genetically compatible human parents but exhibit special characteristics. We asked two series of questions that pertain to this. They are listed in descending order but were not presented that way on the questionnaire. We asked, the following: 

If you have children, do they exhibit any of the following characteristics?

(Survey Takers N:257)

  • High intelligence: phase 1 survey takers: 74%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 50%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 25%.
  • High degree of empathy for others: phase 1 survey takers: 66%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 50%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 20%.
  • Difficulty with or intolerance for authority: phase 1 survey takers: 43%%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 30%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 15%.
  • Higher than average environmental awareness: phase 1 survey takers: 39%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 25%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 15%.
  • Strong psychic ability: phase 1 survey takers: 36%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 25%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 10%.
  • Desire for social reform: phase 1 survey takers: 34%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 20%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 10%.
  • Sense of universal connectedness: phase 1 survey takers: 33%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 20%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 20%.
  • Have more than one child but only one exhibits these characteristics: phase 1 survey takers: 29%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 50%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 25%. 

     We posed similar questions in an attempt to determine if the survey takers exhibited similar characteristics to their offspring. The following question appeared on the survey: 

When you were a child did you have any of the following characteristics?

(Survey taker N: 466) 

  • High intelligence: phase 1 survey takers: 62%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 50%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 40%.
  • High degree of empathy for others: phase 1 survey takers: 79%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 75%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 70%.
  • Difficulty with or intolerance for authority: phase 1 survey takers: 46%%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 40%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 35%.
  • Higher than average environmental awareness: phase 1 survey takers: 55%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 60%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 45%.
  • Strong psychic ability? phase 1 survey takers: 50%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 60%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 40%.
  • Desire for social reform: phase 1 survey takers: 30%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 20%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 25%.
  • Sense of universal connectedness: phase 1 survey takers: 52%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 45%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 70%. 

     A statistically significant percentage of the respondents stated that they have some of these important characteristics that NHI entities have valued, dating back to the 1950s. Their responses indicate a high degree of empathy, environmental awareness, psychic ability, and universal connectedness.

     It has been reported that NHI entities are highly empathic. They can actually “feel” the emotions of the humans they interact with. We asked the following question:

Did you sense that the ETs could "feel" your emotions? (Survey Takers N:484)

When we asked if the ETs could “feel” the experiencers emotions 81% of the survey takers replied in the affirmative. It rose to 95% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and was at 80% in the phase 2 “contactee group”.

     Based upon our investigations and research, we had received anecdotal information indicating that the majority of experiencers believe they are empathic. We wanted to quantify this, so we asked the following question:

Are you an empath? (Can sense the energy, emotions, or physical well-being of other people?)  (Survey Takers N: 507)

     A highly significant 81% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that they are empathic. Among the phase 2 survey takers, 100% of the “abductee group” stated that they are empathic. It is 80% for the “contactee group.” This is important evidence, primarily because most humans are not empathic (as opposed to empathetic). An empath cannot harm others without sensing the pain they have inflicted. If NHI entities are indeed working to upgrade humans, to move us ahead on an evolutionary scale, this type of upgrade is of vital importance. It could alter negative human behavior and change the path that humanity is following.

Emotional Impact

     It has been widely reported in abduction related literature that one of the markers for alien abduction is being troubled by recurring dreams and nightmares related to UFOs and contact with alien beings. We wanted to test this, so we asked the following question:

Have you had recurring dreams/nightmares of UFOs, aliens, or close encounters?

(Survey Takers 509)

We discovered that 60% of the phase 1 survey takers had this marker. This statistic increased to 65% among the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 50% among the phase 2 “contactee group.”

     We wanted information on a variety of experiencers’ emotional reactions to finding themselves in an alien environment. Of 516 phase 1 survey takers, only 408 answered the question, “How did you feel during your experience in an alien environment?” (Check all that apply.) Denise Stoner and I had asked this question on a survey we conducted in 2013 and discovered that although the majority of experiencers felt terrified prior to arriving in an alien environment, the bulk of them felt calm when they arrived there. Of the 250 participants who responded, 74% felt calm in an alien environment, upholding the results of my earlier study. Fear was an emotion that was also mentioned. 50% stated that they were frightened; 45% were nervous; 38% felt terrified; but 30% felt happy. It is clear that the range of emotions experiencers feel during their experiences in an alien environment can vary widely. Although the majority feel calm during their experience under control by nonhumans, the initial contact experience arouses fear.

     We asked the phase 1 survey takers how they felt when their experience had ended. Of the 287 participants in phase 1 of the survey, 86% stated that they felt curious. This was followed by 44% who remained frightened. But 42% were calm and 28% were pleased. Only 22% expressed anger when their experience had ended.

     We probed further to determine the phase 1 survey experiencers’ overall view, both positive and negative, of their attitudes toward their events. We asked the following question:

Do you feel that your experiences were mostly positive, mostly negative, both positive and negative, or neither? (Survey Takers N:508)

     As you can see, the majority of survey takers and “abductees” stated their events have been both positive and negative. Only a small percentage stated that their abduction/contact experiences were mostly negative. A statistically significant percentage of the phase 2 “contactee group” stated that their events were mostly positive, whereas the survey takers and phase 2 “abductee group” did not feel this way.

       When the three groups were asked if, given a choice, they would end their abduction/contact events, 71% of the survey takers said they do not want to end their contact events. The statistic was 75% for the “abductee group” and 50% for the “contactee group”. These highly significant statistics suggest that abduction/contact events are not as horrible as had been previously thought.   

If you could end your abductions/ET contact experiences today, would you?

(Survey Takers N:301)

     However, when given the opportunity to equivocate, a significant percentage of participants in all three groups could not make a firm decision.

If you could end your abductions/ET contact experiences today, would you?

(Survey Takers N:301) 

     As you can see, 37% replied in the “other” category. A mere 24% stated unequivocally that they would not want their abductions/ET contact events to end. 20% stated that although they sometimes would like their experiences to end, they feel compelled to continue. Only 16% wanted to end them immediately, and 2.5% wanted to wait until they saw them again.

     Those in the “other” category offered remarks, such as, they could not answer the hypothetical question because they have no authority over making this decision. Some stated that they agreed to this before they were born and, therefore, cannot change it now. Others stated that they would continue if it is for the benefit to humanity. Whereas others would continue if it benefitted both the NHI entities and humans. Some stated that NHI behavior varied by group or race and was not consistent across all entities and groups. They would like to end some of their experiences but remain with other groups. Some stated that their experiences had already ended.      

Psychic and Paranormal Phenomena

     The psychic and paranormal components of UFO sightings and abduction/contact experiences cannot be denied and should not be ignored. Jacques Vallee, PhD wrote about it in his books Dimensions (1988), Revelations (1991), and Forbidden Science (1992). He stated in Revelations (p 259), “The genuine UFO phenomenon…is associated with a form of nonhuman consciousness that manipulates time and space in ways we do not understand.” Edgar Mitchell studied the complexity of UFO related phenomena and consciousness.

     Kathleen states that she was a committed investigator of material evidence for many years, until she was compelled by the weight of the evidence, to broaden her perspective. This knowledge is inevitable for anyone who has devoted considerable time to the investigation of UFOs and contact with NHI. If we continue to limit our investigations to the collection of only physical evidence and ignore the related evidence we will never gain an understanding of the true nature of contact. Quantum physics has offered hypotheses on the science of consciousness and theories on the multidimensional nature of UFOs. Let us move ahead to our statistical data.

     The majority of experiencers have an increased level of psychic ability or intuition that they attribute to their contact experiences. We decided to seek quantitative data on this topic, so we listed a variety of phenomena that has been reported by experiencers. We asked the following:

Have you experienced the sensation that you will have an abduction/ET contact experience that night or in the near future and it happened? (Survey Takers N:500)

     Among the survey takers 48% stated that they had sensed an impending abduction or contact experience that occurred. The statistic rose to 60% for the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 35% for the “contactee group.”

     Based upon our knowledge of the sounds and sensations that experiencers commonly perceive prior to an abduction/contact experience, we listed several choices regarding these sensations. The most frequently reported are as follows: 

 Nervous feeling

Survey Takers 55%
Abductees 64%%
Contactees 20%

Buzzing or buzzing in ears

Survey Takers 52%
Abductees 90%
Contactees 50%


Survey Takers 34%
Abductees 50%
Contactees 10%

Tinnitus sound

Survey Takers 34%
Abductees 40%
Contactees 25%


Survey Takers 28%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 20%

Feeling compelled to do something

Survey Takers 35%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 25%

     We asked participants if they had received downloads of information. Downloads are described as the mind to mind rapid transfer of information from nonhumans to humans. Of the 463 phase 1 survey takers 31% had received downloads of information. This statistic rose to 55% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 30% in the phase 2 “contactee group.”

     As you can see, the majority of experiencers reported a sense of nervousness that something was going to occur and heard buzzing sounds in their heads or ears prior to contact. A smaller percentage reported the sensation of a vibration, feeling compelled to do something, hearing a voice in their heads, or having a vision of the impending experience.

     We asked survey takers if they had received telepathic messages. Among the phase 1 survey takers, 51% had. It increased to 65% for the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 30% for the “contactee group.”

     We asked survey takers if they had experienced visions. 46% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that they had. 65% of the phase 2 abductees indicated that they had, and 40% of the phase 2 “contactee group” had.

     Whitley Strieber and others believe they have been visited by deceased relatives both on craft and in their homes. Kathleen has worked on two cases where experiencers have met a deceased family member on what they believed was a craft. We wanted to quantify this experience. We discovered that it occurs fairly infrequently. Only 4% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that they had witnessed this. No phase 2 “abductee” reported this experience. However, 15% of the “contactee group” stated they had met deceased family members.

     We wanted to know precisely what percentage of experiencers believe they have become psychic as a result of their experiences. We asked the following question:

Has your intuitive or psychic ability increased in association with your abductions/ET contact events? (Survey Takers N:509)

Among phase 1 survey takers, 52% stated that their intuition or psychic ability has increased in reference to their abduction/contact experiences. We offered a box for people who were not able to determine this. 42% stated that they did not know the answer to this question. Only 6% stated that it had not increased. Phase 2 survey takers replied as follows: “abductee group”: yes 65%, no 0%, don’t’ know 35%. “contactee group”: yes 45%, no 5%, don’t know 50%.

     We asked if other family members are psychic or intuitive as follows: Begin on Page 33

Are family members psychic or intuitive? (Survey Takers N:502)

     Among phase 1 survey takers, 57% stated that their family members are also psychic. It rose to 65% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and came in at 40% in the phase 2 “contactee group.” We asked participants to identify the family members who are psychic or intuitive. The statistically highest group was mothers (55%), followed by grandmothers (27%), daughters (24%), and sisters (22%).

     We wanted to know if experiencers had developed the ability to heal others in association with the abduction/contact events. The results are as follows: phase 1 survey takers 21%, phase 2 “abductee group” 39%, phase 2 “contactee group” 10%.

     Much attention has been given to healings bestowed upon experiencers by alleged ET nonhuman entities. Kathleen has personally investigated several cases with confirmatory evidence that this occurred. Dr. Joseph Burkes and UFO researcher Preston Dennett have conducted a scientific investigation of this phenomenon. We wanted to know the prevalence of healings among experiencers. We asked the following:

Have you been healed from a physical condition or disease in association with an abduction/ET contact event? (Survey Takers N: 487)

The statistics indicate that healing by NHI entities is relatively rare among the survey takers and the phase 2 “contactee group.” However, it has reportedly occurred at a higher rate among abductees. Only 10% of the phase 1 survey takers stated that they had been healed. This rose to 45% among the phase 2 “abductee group” and dropped to 10% in the phase 2 “contactee group.”

     Paranormal phenomena have been widely reported by experiencers. However, it is often times placed in a separate category and not included as UFO related phenomena. The ERT has worked with many experiencers who believe it is indeed related. We decided to test this hypothesis with regard to the prevalence of paranormal activity in the homes of experiencers.

     The 1991 Roper poll study by Hopkins and Jacobs asked if participants had observed unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them. They were apparently aware of the prevalence of mysterious light orbs that are associated with contact. Some of these orbs behave in a manner that leads the observer to believe they have intelligence. Some have speculated that they contain the consciousness of ET nonhumans. They are not plasma orbs or ball lightening associated with thunderstorms. Kathleen has investigated a case of healing from cancer in an abductee who captured a video of such a white orb with a blue outer surface. It slid down an experiencer’s bedroom wall and then changed course, flying like a morphing butterfly across the room. When it arrived at his bed, it stopped momentarily and then dove into his body. She have personally observed intelligent orbs in the home of an experiencer.

     We obtained statistical data on the prevalence of paranormal activity in the homes of experiencers by asking the following question: 

Have you witnessed any of the following in your home? (Survey Takers N:358)

     Among the survey takers 69% indicated that they had observed paranormal phenomena in their homes. 61% reported seeing lighted floating orbs. This declined to 50% in the “abductee group” and 45% for the “contactee group.”   

     Appliances stopped and started on their own when there was otherwise no electrical problem for 26% of the phase 1 survey takers. This was true for 30% of the phase 2 “abductee group” and 15% of the “contactee group.” Doors or windows opened and closed on their own before the experiencers eyes at a rate of 22% among the phase 1 survey takers. It increased to 30% among the phase 2 “abductee group” and declined to 10% with the “contactee group.” Things flew off experiencers’ shelves for 21% of the phase 1 survey takers, 35% of the phase 2 “abductees,” and 10% of the phase 2 “contactees.” Toilets flushed or faucets ran on their own when there was otherwise no plumbing problem for 13% of the phase 1 survey takers, 25% of the phase 2 “abductee group” and 5% of the “contactee group.” Pictures flew off walls for 13% of the phase 1 survey takers, 25% of the phase 2 “abductee group” and 5% of the “contactee group.” These statistics indicate that these phenomena are significantly elevated in the phase 2 “abductee” population.

     We have received many reports from experiencers that they are bothered by the sensation of movement in their mattress. We asked the following question:

Have you experienced the sensation of unexplained motion in your mattress, such as the feeling that something unseen is walking on your bed? (Survey Takers N:510)

     We discovered that 58% of the phase 1 survey takers had experienced this. It increased to 75% in the phase 2 “abductee group” and was at 50% for the phase 2 “contactee group.” Again, we find that the phase 1 “abductee group” has a significantly elevated level of paranormal activity of this type. Previously, many UFO investigators had attributed this perplexing phenomenon to psychological disturbances, stating that it appears to be internally generated. “Occam’s razor” has been liberally applied. However, this significant statistical finding can no longer justify the dismissal of unexplained motion in one’s mattress as being psychologically generated.  

Electrical/Electromagnetic Anomalies 

     UFO investigators have long been aware of electromagnetic anomalies in reference to UFOs. We obtained statistical data on this when we asked as follows: 

Have you experienced malfunctions in electrical equipment after an abduction/ET contact event? If so, what? (Check all that apply.) (Survey Takers: N: 299)

Only 299 of our 516 participants completed this question indicating that 58% have experienced electrical or electromagnetic anomalies after a contact event. The statistics are as follows:

Lights blink out or turn off.

Survey Takers 57%
Abductees 40%
Contactees 25%

Computers malfunction

Survey Takers 46%
Abductees 20%
Contactees 30%

Appliances burn out after an event.

Survey Takers 27%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 10%

Appliances turn on after an event.

Survey Takers 23%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 5%

Time clocks malfunction only for you.

Survey Takers 22%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 5%

Digital watches won’t keep time.

Survey Takers 20%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 10%

Store scanner malfunctions only for you.

Survey Takers 18%
Abductees 15%
Contactees 10%

      We wanted to know if these malfunctions occurred in a cluster within hours of the abduction/contact experience. Only 18% of the phase 1 survey takers stated that it occurred within hours after an event. It declined to 5% for abductees and 10% for contactees. 28% of the phase 1 survey takers stated that it happened occasionally, but appeared to be unrelated to contact, and 27% stated that it occurred on a regular basis. The phase 2 “abductee group” indicated that 25% had experienced electrical equipment anomalies periodically and 10% stated that it occurred on a regular basis. 15% of the phase 2 “contactee group” stated that it happened periodically and 20% stated that it occurred on a regular basis. These statistics suggest that electrical malfunctions might not be directly related to an abduction/contact event, except in a small percentage of experiencers. It is more likely to occur periodically. These responses are antithetical to the UFO research community’s historical findings, but our questions pertained to events inside a building, not when the experiencer is outside and being pursued by an unconventional craft.

     ERT member and UFO investigator Denise Stoner and Kathleen Marden have measured elevated levels of electrically charged fields around the bodies of a handful of abductees within hours of an ET contact or abduction event. They tested control subjects and the ambient environment using a TriField meter, but elevated levels of electromagnetic energy were not present among the control subjects or in the ambient environment, only around the bodies of recent experiencers. Additional tests should be conducted to determine if experiencers have consistently elevated electrical fields immediately after an abduction has occurred.  

Religious/Spiritual Beliefs

     We asked, “Did you participate in a religious faith prior to your abduction/contact event?” This question tested a hypothesis that has been advanced by some religious leaders. They contend that the absence of a Godly covering among experiencers has left them vulnerable to contact by the minions of Satan.

Did you participate in a religious faith prior to this event? (N:503

We discovered that 46% of the phase 1 survey takers participated in a religious faith prior to their first NHI entity experience. This was also true of 55% of the phase 2 “abductee group” and 70% of the phase 2 “contactee group.” It appears that the majority of abductees and contactees practiced a religious faith prior to contact. We wondered if contact had altered their religious beliefs, so we asked the following question:    

If your ET contact experience has changed your religious beliefs, are you... (N: 374)

     Of the phase 1 survey takers, 13% become more religious and 15% became less religious as a result of their experiences. For the phase 2 abductees no one became more religious, but 5% became less religious. Among the phase 2 “contactee group”, no one became more religious, but 15% became less religious.  

     Earlier studies have discovered a general trend toward spiritual growth that appears to be an outcome of contact with NHI entities. This finding was particularly significant on the Omega studies. We wanted to ask the question directly. The statistics for the three groups are as follows: phase 1 survey takers: 69%, phase 2 “abductee group”: 60%, phase 2 “contactee group”: 60%. This indicates that although many adhered to existing religious doctrine, they also trended towards spiritual development, an interest in life beyond the physical, and the sacred meaning of life. This does not indicate the absence of God in their lives. It denotes increased awareness of how one’s behavior affects others, a conversion toward increased empathy and respect for others, and the desire to live an exemplary life. For Christians it means following the path of Christ. For most it signifies a deeper personal relationship with God, Krishna, Buddha, Allah, the One, or the creator, etcetera, and a slight trend away from traditional religious doctrine.        

     We believe it is important to note that MUFON discovered an increased level of Near-Death Experiencers among the survey takers.

Have you had a near death experience? (Survey Takers N: 506)

     Among our study's three groups, 43% of the phase 1 survey takers stated they had a near death experience. The phase 2 “abductee group’s” percentage increased to 55%, whereas the phase 2 “contactee group” decreased to 35%. These findings are consistent with the Omega Project studies by Drs. Kenneth Ring and Christopher Rosing that noted and increase in psychic awareness, altruistic feelings, and increased spirituality among NDE and UFO experiencers.  

     If it is true that experiencers undergo the process of dematerializing or phasing into another dimensional realm during their transition from their physical environment to an alien environment, could this indicate that their soul consciousness might fragment off from their physical structure or be attached by a thread? This fracturing might be similar to what Near-Death Experiencers describe, even if the causation is different. If this supposition is correct, it could explain the reason why UFO and NDE groups exhibit similar characteristics. Given the highly significant statistics regarding increased spirituality, empathic and psychic abilities, it seems that a link has been established that might involve a special source of consciousness or brain functioning on a higher level than is present in the majority of the human population. We believe that this commonality warrants further investigation.   

Special Knowledge 

     As we moved toward the completion of our survey, we decided to ask experiencers if they had been given information about the Earth’s future or vital information that should be conveyed to humankind. This portion of our study allowed the survey participants to provide qualitative information. The majority of survey takers had not received specific information. However, some had. The following is a representative sample of replies, both quantitative and qualitative, from all three groups regarding humanity’s future.

Has information regarding the Earth's future been given to you by non-humans or ETs?

(Survey Takers N: 493)

     Among the phase 1 survey takers (N: 493), 29% answered in the affirmative. This statistic increased to 45% among the phase 2 “abductee group” and following the general trend among the “contactee group”, it declined to 25%.

     On a follow-up question we asked phase 1 survey takers (N:493) if the ETs had given experiencers extraordinary knowledge of their science or technology. 17% of the phase 1 participants stated that they had received this knowledge and 75 of the 493 stated that they were willing to speak with a PhD level scientist about this.

     In an effort to determine if this special knowledge was delivered by extraterrestrials from another planetary system, we asked the following question.

Have you been shown a star map by the ETs? (Survey takers N:487)

     Only 9% of the phase 1 survey takers indicated that they had been shown a star map. This level declined to 5% for the phase 1 “abductee group” and increased to 15% for the phase 2 “contactee group.” There has been speculation that no ET visitors have come to our planet—that all NHI entities are interdimensional beings from the Earth’s collective consciousness. These statistics indicate that some NHI entities are ETs.

     In conversation with support providers, many experiencers have stated that they feel that they have been given special knowledge that they cannot access but will retrieve when the time is right. It appears to be more than a form of hysteria because they are beginning to gain access to some of this information. We asked the following:

Do you feel that you have special knowledge from the non-humans/ETs locked up inside you, but you can't recall what it is? (Survey takers N:502)

     We discovered that 63% of the phase 1 survey takers believe this to be true. This is true for 80% of the phase 2 “abductees” and 50% of the phase 2 “contactees.”

The Qualitative Part of our Study


     Our final question to all phase 1 and 2 experiencers was open ended. We stated, “Some experiencers report that the ETs have given them vital information that they wish to convey to mankind. If you’d like to share important information that has been imparted to you by the ET visitors, please do so in the comment box.” We received 159 replies. Among these I looked for insightful general trends in information. They are listed below: 

  • One reason people frequently find contact with non-human intelligence, so traumatizing is that human minds are incredibly defended against contact from or communication with non-human / greater intelligences than their own. This is in part because as a race human we have historically used their own intelligence and identification with their species to subjugate and oppress (i.e., enslave, hunt, kill, eat) sentient beings we deemed to be of lesser intellect than ourselves. This was (arguably) a necessary step in evolution; still, it remains mostly unprocessed. As a result, this latent supremacism of the human mind is deeply buried and is associated with strong existential fears about what it means to be dehumanized / treated as alien or other. To put it another way, most human minds are extremely resistant to even the possibility of communication from greater (secular) intelligences, as that contact requires a coming to terms with the grievous ways the human species has used its own intelligence to justify behavior that many of us today would consider totally inhuman. So, the denial of non-ordinary (secular) intelligences comes in large part from the shame and anxiety associated with identifying with a race that for all its endearing qualities is still murderous/misogynistic/acquisitive/brutal in its treatment of other intelligent species. That fear is then projected onto anything imagined possessing a greater (secular) intelligence than the human mind—as 1) in human history greater intelligence has been used to justify the abuses of lesser intelligences, so there is some logical precedent to such fears, and 2) in general human minds are far better at projection than witnessing with equanimity. Basically, the force of denial in human beings remains strong. The above aside, it is extremely difficult to communicate (from) a perspective that is existentially threatening to the intended recipient.
  • Basically, no matter what information they gave me it won't really change the course that humans decide to take. I can try my hardest to make a difference. Basically, humans are selfish animals.
  • I can only remember bits and pieces. It's so fragmented, but I know that I have to stop the destruction to this planet and save the beautiful animals that live here.
  • We must unite together in love and raise our vibration as a collective. The higher dimensions are here assisting us. We must unite together and recognize we are all connected so we can evolve and access Christ-consciousness through the 5th dimension.
  • If we raise our level of consciousness to a higher level, we are able to achieve more. This is what they are trying to do here. We have been to this position before and we destroyed ourselves. They are fearful that we are in a position to do that again.
  • They are here to guide and assist in the development of our species and our world. They planted our seed here and they helped to develop it. They introduce things to assist in our development.
  • Humans must regain their spiritual sovereignty. Humans are of Source like them. Not sinful. 
  • We are extremely close to going beyond reparable in terms of social and earthly stability. By that I mean we're shoving ourselves closer to extinction. I hate the grays with every fiber of my being, but they have given me information I wish I did not have.
  • We, as a whole, the human race, belongs to one another. We need to take responsibility for our actions and love one another.
  • They are spiritually connected, and the human experience is a spiritual progression.
  • They are here to assist humanity in raising its vibrational frequency.
  • There were also many cautionary remarks issued with regard to our stewardship of planet Earth. I was told that we have to preserve resources and if we don't, we will experience a decrease in population.
  • We are poisoning our world and all that live on it. If we don't change the way we live as a species we all die.
  • We are destroying our planet. They will interfere with force if we continue our aggression and war.
  • Ice caps melting and endangered species dying off. It was incredibly difficult to watch.
  • I was told that ecological catastrophic events were on the horizon due to exponential effects of our neglect, abuse or misuse.
  • I saw a barren earth. And I was told repeatedly about protecting nature and the importance of human unity.
  • We, as a race, are burning through resources faster than we can renew them. Due to our arrogance, we will seek out resources elsewhere, but because we are arrogant, and ego driven we'll try to acquire them at a heavy cost to other races.
  • Humans will become extinct if they do not change their destructive and polluting ways.
  • We are poisoning our world and all that live on it. If we don't change the way we live as a species we all die. We are not at the end of times; we are at the beginning of a New Age. So much cleansing needs to take place on the earth herself and in people. It's time to unite.
  • Time does not exist. Death does not exist. At the core of our souls, we are connected to everyone and everything. This is why ETs are here. We are children holding the creator’s gun and we need guidance. Everything we do affects everything in the universe on some level. Behind all of that is a secondary star to our sun that passes through our solar system every few thousand years. Think of it as nature’s checks and balances system. Because life resets every few millennia, Earth is a great place for breeding and molding new souls. It’s like a level you have to pass in a video game to make it to the next level.
  • There is a global conspiracy to enslave what's left of the human race and keeping it under wraps until the day of judgement is their priority. Our govt's are in cahoots with certain ETs to this end. Nibiru, or wormwood the destroyer, is on approach and I was not enlightened as to when it will reach us, but my gut says soon, and like many, it has said soon since before 2012. I feel my mission is to spread this truth as well as the spirituality and love that made pre-diluvium man so advanced. I had researched different aspects of religion, spirituality, history, and science after my first UFO sighting and dove in headfirst after witnessing one with my friend as an adult. During my experience in eternity I was shown things, things at the quantum and cosmic level. I can't describe it but when I "came back" it was instilled in me that everything I had experienced throughout my strange and pitiful life was to mold me for that one experience, and that everything I was on the edge of believing shown through as truth. I get atoms, bosons, gravitons, photons. I get how every particle acts as a wave and our consciousness makes them into particles. I know about the pineal gland and how it works within kundalini. I know and was shown the basic principles of the universe and yet I can't explain it properly, the closest explanation comes from my previous research and shows like "Rick and Morty". There is a great awakening occurring, I feel I am just one of many blessed with this experience to help in this move this mass awakening forward. Mass consciousness must change and ascend before the destroyer returns, or what's left of humanity will suffer for ions to follow.    
Discussion and Implications 

     Regardless of the causative factors behind their experiences and the attitudinal changes that occurred, a significant number of survey takers in all three groups indicated that they have benefited from their experiences. Only a small percentage of participants indicated that they have experienced highly negative contact. Overall, they have become more spiritual, more empathic, more psychic, or intuitive, and less oriented toward aggression, negativity, and the acquisition of material goods.

     There was a general trend toward advocacy for the preservation of our planet through increased concern for our environment. In addition to this, messages were offered that have been consistent with information conveyed by NHI dating back to the 1950s. Warnings against the proliferation of nuclear weapons continue. UFO researchers are already aware of the nuclear weapons facilities that have been taken offline in association with a UFO presence. The warning is clear and present.

     Apart from these warnings, there appears to be a powerful spiritual message to humanity. It involves the attempted elevation of human consciousness to a higher level. We are informed that some will attain this goal, whereas others will not. It is a matter of knowledge and individual choice.

     There appears to be distinct groups of experiencers among the participants in the MUFON Experiencer Survey. A statistically significant percentage of the survey takers believe they have been contacted by benevolent entities. Others believe that their experiences have been frightening or both positive and negative, depending upon the entity they interacted with.

     The phase 2 “abductee group” reported statistically significant commonalities that are not as common among the phase 1 survey takers or the phase 2 “contactee group.” We should look upon them as a special group of individuals who have the characteristics of UFO abductees. They experience paranormal phenomena at a higher rate than the other 2 groups. They are highly spiritual. Many have been healed by what they believe are ETs. They are empathic and have increased psychic ability. They have had close encounters and observed NHI entities. They have been taken from their beds, but were awake and moving before paralysis set in. They find strange, patterned marks on their bodies that they believe could not have been self-inflicted. An increased rate of their family members has had the same experiences.

     A small percentage of the survey takers have spoken of a different type of contact. Their experiences have been of a highly negative nature. They do not share the characteristics of the other participants in this survey. These wretched souls are repeatedly taken to a dreadful environment where they are physically and sexually abused or forced to train for what they believe is intergalactic war. They do not share the commonalities that other experiencers share.   

     Additional investigation of these highly negative experiencers should be carried out, to determine the cause of their troubles. Psychological testing might indicate a mental health concern. We must consider the possibility that they have attracted what is commonly thought of as demonic or negative interdimensional entities. Without further investigation, it is impossible to know the true source of their highly negative experiences. Personally, I cannot ignore this segment of the experiencer population. I have conducted extensive research seeking information on the causative factors and the solutions. This information has been presented at MUFON’s 2018 experiencer workshops. 


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