KATHLEEN MARDEN'S amazing life as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first scientifically investigated case of alien abduction, sent her on a lifelong search for answers. Her extensive investigation of their events developed into a career as a respected UFO investigator, researcher, author, and leader in her field. She has devoted years to private investigation, research, and experimentation always following the evidence wherever it led and sharing her findings with her readers.
Her association with the Mutual UFO Network, the world's largest civilian investigative organization, is well known. While she worked as an independent researcher and UFO abduction experiencer advocate, she also assisted MUFON through twenty years of volunteerism at a national level. At MUFON's request, she founded the Experiencer Research Team, a group of researchers and non-judgmental listeners who confidentially assisted ET contact experiencers through compassionate listening. She and her team attracted Ph.D. and M.D. consultants from around the world who met on a monthly basis for information sharing and discussion. In 2021 she retired from her position as ERT Director. She is presently a consultant to the ERT.
Additionally, she sat on the Edgar Mitchell FREE organization's Board of Directors with Rey Hernandez, Rudy Schild, Mary Rodwell, et. al., and worked on phase 1 of its enormous study of experiencers.
Her collaboration on three major studies of nearly five thousand people who believe they have experienced nonhuman contact, generated new insight into the commonalities shared by experiencers of this mystifying alternate reality. Kathleen's focus on social research has offered fascinating insight into contact with nonhuman intelligence and anomalous phenomena.
Today, Kathleen continues her work as an independent researcher, author, and scholar. Her motto is "Let all that you do be done in love."